Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ode to the BCC

For those of you that don't know, BCCs are better known as Banana Cake Cookies. Since I have moved, this is one of the many things that I have found myself missing. Obviously friends are the top of that list, but nonetheless the BCCs are missed, too. I knew that once I got here to Oly, if I could find a record store and a coffee shop, I could start to make this place home. Batdorf and Bronson's brings me great french press joy, and Rainy Day Records has the best low-priced vinyls anywhere. I have found myself reading books that have a little bit more intelligence than my passed fiction novels starring the Cullen family. Here I am reading Banker to the Poor in Batdorf's...(Stephanie, you must read this book! Jojo you too.)

Also, I have been working at Hollister Co. which is a very different atmosphere from my previous job, but not unfamiliar still. Here are a few of my co-workers...they are so much fun. Patrick
Brandy and Nicole

Enclosed are a few things I've began to ponder since being back in Washington:

1. Why was Miley Cyrus wearing shovies? (Short ovies, short over-alls)
2. I miss the nights wear we all sat around in the North End cottage discussing important things like, "Sarah: 'Lay off my creamy!' Austin: 'Poke Sarah's creamy!'
3. I wonder what Moof looks like speaking Korean (on-yung, hah-say-oh)
4. How many times will I run into Pip over here.
5. Will we ever again have a family reunion? Perhaps in Tahoe, or Venice, or NNU 2016.

I will start posting again. Internet has been limited. Boise, you are missed. 2C, not so much.