Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back to Boise

I know that it has been an extremely long time since I've blogged. But I hope to get started doing it again. Since you last heard from me, I've wrapped up in Olympia, and moved my way back to Boise, Idaho. I know it doesn't make sense. I'm back in Idaho working on my Masters in Cultural Communication, and hope to be done sooner than later. But the plus is that I am back in Hyde Park-and really like my house. I love being so close to Camel's Back and to Harrison. It's the best play you could live in Boise.

I am still working for Abercrombie and Fitch, specifically in the Hollister here in Boise. It's been difficult because there's no way to move up in the company while I'm here, but I am just seein' how things pan out. My co-workers are interesting-to say the least.

I have just finished up semester number one at Boise State University, and have never experienced so much anxiety over school in my life. I am hoping that the Fall turns out quite differently. But we will see if that happens or not. Have learned lesson after lesson about grad school and how to survive in it.

Even though I know a ton of people in the area, I also know that being connected and staying connected has been a challenge. Keeping up those relationships take time and effort. I am happy to have rekindled some great friendships being back, and I'm settling into a great community of friends. I can't wait to see how things grow and develop.

Stay tuned for:
New friends coming back!
New work stories filled with ridiculous characters.
New reviews on the places that have opened up since I was here last.
Oh ya, and other new stuff.

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

Welcome back Jeff. It's a great place to land.