Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Hand-y Man

I have come to realize, that I have quite a few friends with two door cars. I know that this seems like a rather strange realization to have, but let me tell you why I have noticed. Between Stephanie, Kristen, Marc, Cortney, Keiks, etc., this little happening occurs quite often. What happening? The unexpected, hand-on-hand contact. How many of you know what I mean? One of two things happen...

A: You're the guy in the wait to be let out from the back. The person in the front seat goes to let you out...but you are just a little too hastey and reach for the lever as well. Then what happens? Hand-on-hand. Or,
B: You're the person in the front. You hesitate for a second, and the over-zealous back-seater grabs the lever. Then you're just the guy standing outside trying to inter-digitate with you friend...aka: the hand-on-hand.

We have all learned from Zach Morris, that one bucket of popcorn is key on a date. Much more opportunity for the static hand-to-hand contact. This is desired on a date. But with you pal, buddy, bro...not so much. It is indeed one of those small happenings that no one in particular attributes much thought to. Should you grab with fervor? Or wait and shuffle your reach to see who actually grabs it? What is the correct ettiquette?

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