Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Somewhere there's a pack of big, fat mice...

Growing up, my family didn't have much money. I remember living in our little trailer eating pb and honey sandwiches for lunch. Fried spam, fish sticks, and mac and cheese were in the rotation of dinner items, with the exception of Sunday brunch...that was meatloaf. All of these wonderous foods seemed very normal to me at the time. But once in a blue moon, we would get to go to McDonald's. Back in the day when Happy Meals were only 99cents. Needless to say, most of these foods I don't miss too much, but there are some foods that I really feel have disappeared. Here are my top 3:

cheeseballs (the ones that came in the cylindic can with the pop top)

cookie crisp (who didn't love this non-nutritious breakfast cereal)

chocolate malts (by Darigold...frozen...Spokane Colliseum)

Where have these foods gone?


katie henbest said...

dear Jeff,
i haven't a clue where they went.
sorry, no help.
on the other hand, i am so glad you came last night and hung out!
on the way home Jonzi said, "i really like Jeff." aw Jonzi.
love you.

kylee said...

i want mondos!