Saturday, October 25, 2008

Love Without Reason

I know that this is a delayed post, but last weekend was easily the best weekend since the big move. I drove up to Seattle, and stayed with the hospitable 613...also known as Steve McMahan, Travis Gingrich, and some other dude named Wes. Anywho...I had the best Greek food I've probably ever had. It was phenomenal. I think I loved it more than words can express. Plus, any weekend is great when you get to spend time on the Ave.

But the greatest part of last weekend was my boy Adrian. I can't even express how amazing he truly is. It is a sad defecit for most of you readers because you haven't had the chance to meet him. Perhaps I should catch you up.

When I was a freshman in high school, I had the chance to go and play on a men's volleyball team in Lewiston, Idaho. A coach asked me if I would join the team, so I went to a practice with little to no expectations. I admit, I was a little cocky. But skepticism was trumped. My life was going to be changed. There I met a guy named Andrew, also playing volleyball. He took me under his wing. He was a senior at Lewiston High School (Go Bengals!). Andrew's entire family is the first family that I can easily recollect that took me in...and I could literally describe as a home away from home. Although my time in hours was not abundant at the Gomez house, it to this day remains invaluable to me. The things that Mike and Barbara taught me and opened me up to span from peppercinis, cold pasta salad, and Grapefruit Sobe to the importance of honesty, transparency, and faith. Adrian at that time was only 12. His viraciousness for life remains unprecedented. I can't describe his sincerity. So often, I remember thinking about the effects that Mike (Adrian's dad) has had on my life even to this day. The way that I practice my life has been influenced tremendously by this family.

So now you're caught up. Adrian is amazing. When I went up to Seattle, I got to see Adrian for the first time in about two and a half years. After his fantastic rookie year on the UW baseball team, he chose to go on his mission. He just got back from Guadalajara. Needless to say, he got back, re-started school, re-started baseball, and got engaged. There has been so much to talk about! We went to sushi, then B&N, then UW Bookstore, then his place on Capitol Hill. It was awesome to reconnect. He is the perfect example of love without reason. He genuinely loves people without any rhyme or reason. I have never witnessed a more charismatic guy. People are drawn to him...and he genuinely wants to seek people out...with thanks. I have greatly missed him. It's strange, but I feel a greater sense of stability with him. Its fantastic to be around someone that I can truly express myself with. Its been a long time since I had that person. All you need to know is that Adrian is joy and ambition rolled into charisma. You should know him.

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