Thursday, May 15, 2008

Call me barbaric or chauvinistic...but I prefer meat-eater!

Perhaps it has something to do with my upbringing in good ole eastern Washington, but I really love steak. I realized that I crave steak so often. As cliché or redneck as it may sound, I really could eat steak every night. Growing up, we always had a full freezer of meat. Whether it was pheasant, fish, beef, chicken, or venison, there seemed to be an endless supply. Hunting was a must-do in the town of Pomeroy, and all-in-all, I took for granted what assurance hunting brought to my appetite.

Since then, I have moved away from my beloved Washington, and settled in a mid-sized city. Now don’t get me wrong, Idaho is still very much a “huntin’ state”, but I think I may live in the one area of the entire state that is anti-killing. You take Weiser, Idaho and they’re going to have you over for dinner with a big, ole wild turkey as the main course. You brave the hospitality of Fruitland, Idaho and you’re going to see three barefoot kids running down the highway with a dead raccoon and rattlesnake in hand, being chased by their moo-moo, wearin’ ma. But you travel to Hyde Park and all you see are “COEXIST” stickers and “Vote for Clinton” paraphernalia.

Needless to say, even though I may have a freezer full of livestock (or as Stephanie likes to call it, “flesh”), our neighbors might look down on us if they knew the abundance of frozen life we have in our kitchen. But regardless of the imagined opposition of our neighbors, steak is amazing! Its good right off the grill or next-day-cold; I can always eat it. But when there is a shortage of steak I have discovered a more than adequate replacement. Jerky is always a good road trip, take-with-you steak replacement. However, jerky’s cousin, the beef nugget is so much more flavorful and far less credited. The name “beef nugget” may scare you…as it did me, but you must get over the fear of the nugget, because the only thing more wonderful is actual steak. Embrace your inner caveman…when you can’t get a smoked turkey leg from the fair…walk down to your local Stinker Station and grab yourself a pack of nuggets.


i am Ryan said...

be proud of your beef-filled heritage jeff. I told my mom last night that saying there's such a thing as "too much beef" is against my religion. I don't know if I could eat steak every night, but certainly beef.

And amen to cold steak the next day. One of the best steaks I had was a teriaki porterhouse cold, eating it off the bone with my hands.

My company mostly exports dairy and feed, and mostly with Asia and Central America. Unfortunately to say, there are not any openings unless you are an accountant or programmer. sorry. but you should still move to Seattle. I'm sure you can find something.

katie henbest said...

oh man, i wish everyone could visit Pomeroy...and Grangeville for that matter. cause really, we can write about what it is like to live in a place like that, but no one really understands unless they have been there for longer than a week...or month even. i obviously do not miss hunting, cause i never went. but i do miss the rodeos. gosh.

--Brenna Olsen used to call them "nuggies" and i laughed every time...mostly because i couldn't decide if she was talking about beef nuggets, or nuggets in people's pants.

Giordi said...

There's really nothing better than small town Eastern Washington. Even when we "easterners" move away to more civilized places, we still find it hard to break those country habits. Another great way to enjoy your beef is at the local Burger Ranch on a summer evening. Maybe with a side of fried asparagus? Yum!