Friday, May 23, 2008

The Dandelion of the Computer World

Right now we're obviously in this economic slump. But despite the financial straps people have had to put on their budgets a few things remain as necessities. First, people still need food. Granted, even though food prices are going up and the rate at which people are eating out may have declined (not for me unfortunately), people still need food. The big fuss that everyone seems to be talking about is the price of gas. Here in the Treasure Valley, we don't have a lot of options because public transportation is so poor. But the two inevitable things that you know will be brought up in that conversation with your distant relatives are the weather and the price of gas. The last necessity that seems to be surviving this economic crunch is Cartridge World. I don't know how this franchise has survived. They're everywhere! In fact, there are probably more of them than there are McDonald's. I have a lot of trouble understanding the business plan of Cartridge World. So your printer runs out of ink, and you need new stuff; do you automatically think..."I need to go to Cartridge World?" I for one generally think Wal-mart...or something of the like. But evidentally people have and continue to support this business. Its a baffling success. Why do people continue to buy cartridges for their computers? Perhaps I'm just out of the loop and there is a world of cartridges waiting for me to discover them...


kylee said...

more than McDonalds? pshaw.
mike used to work the CW which i thought was weird, i guess besides the fact that we use printers in our occupation...but i don't ever plan on going to cartridge world.

naphtali said...

what makes cartridge world so great, is that essentially it promotes recycling. you can bring in your old cartridges and they re-fill them. i'm not sure on the exact number of times you can re-use a cartridge, but it's at least once...and it's a cheaper and greener solution to continually purchasing new cartridges.