Thursday, January 15, 2009

Have we lost touch?

I created a quiz that I hope you all do. It's called, "This is me". We'll see if you can get it done. Just copy and paste the address below into your browser.

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Man I really sucked it up on this quiz. But to be fair its not that I forgot those things since you have moved away... I didn't really know a lot of those questions in the first place. And from my perspective "Rebecca St James" is one of my most missed memory!! haha

Seriously dude you need to come visit!! I mean really... =)

miss you friend!

.:meagan.rae:. said...

SERIOUSLY!? i really sucked at your test :( and I KNOW Rebecca St. James is the most missed memory!!!!!!! :) hehe

i agree with Keiks... COME visit!!!!!!!!!!!

@ustin said...

wow, only 21% ... thought I knew you better.

katie henbest said...

WHOOP WHOOP?! where's your lady at? i'm at the top darling. surprised?? it says D.Rock and Squaw but really, i took it by myself - i got the first 3 correct on my own and Derek was mad so he wouldn't help me. HA. wooooo!