Does anyone remember back in the day when people talked with hand motions that included distinct hand gestures, not just floppy wrists? Now, if you're an individual that talks with over-exclamatory hand gestures, you're seen as a little femmie. But back in the day, talking with hand gestures was very common. For instance...do you remember using the "retard" hand gesture? You know, when someone says, hey put your right hand on your chest, and try and bite your left ear. Der...what? Haha. Or perhaps the Stephanie Tanner, "sick-en-ing" face. To do this gesture, all that you need to do is take your pointer finger and stick it partially in your mouth while rolling your eyes. This was the hand gesture that conveyed...gross. Or my personal favorite...the energetic "YES!". To do this...you simply bend your right arm, make a fist and act like you're elbowing a little person in the nose behind you. If you are really excited, you can add the lift of the right knee as well. I remember this gesture primarily being used in two different scenarios. The first being after someone got away with a prank or other devious acts. The second being, when an individual scores a hot date with someone totally out of their league.
Why not bring these back? I think we should. Deal?
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