Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Feed your kids!

We live in America...the land of the free...home of the McDonald's. We stuff ourselves passed fullness, and yet kids today are still eating playdough. What's the deal? Why is it that kids eat playdough, and glue, and glitter, etc.? The reason can't be that they aren't eating enough. Maybe they're just bored...or curious. I wonder why?


J said...
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J said...

I've only known kids to eat glue if it has dried. Kids are like, "Ooo, cool, glue is wet oh but wait now it's dry so I'm going to eat it". Wet glue...maybe they think it's milk...I mean, there is a picture of a cow's head on the Elmer's bottle. Playdough...that's easy. Playdough=dough=cookie=yum. Or if you'd rather, Playdough=dough=pizza=yum. But glitter? I think that's just a crazy kid...unless it is on dried glue so that it looks like a cookie.