Friday, April 18, 2008

The Line of Pressure

You know, you go to a restaurant and you get the bill. You think, "hmmm...what should I tip them?" But you go and get fast food or something quick, and you run that credit card...then you get the slip back with that dreaded tip line. There is so much pressure as you sign. First of all, they're looking over your shoulder. Secondly, you feel like you should probably put a total so that they don't charge you for a tip when you didn't put one down. Doesn't it feel like insult to injury when you write down that total definitively saying, "I don't want to tip"? Basically, I never know what to I usually give in and tip a dollar just so that I don't feel so bad about it. Yes, I'm the sucker that gives into the pressure. And now I have no money.


Unknown said...

I TOTALLY know what you mean. I do the same thing!

.:meagan.rae:. said...

Ugghh the pressure!
and then, if you don't sign a tip, they give the shifty eye look of disapproval while still trying to maintain their "customer service" face. More or less turning into this awkward grimace.

that girl, alina said...

move to japan. the tip pressure goes away because this isn't a "tipping" culture.

but when i was back in the states last summer, i was so SO confused when i went anywhere because i didnt know HOW to do it anymore. the math that once existed totally ran off in my head. now it really REALLY stresses me out. how sad.

katie henbest said...

why do they even have tip lines at Wendys and such?